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2023-01-21 18:27:13  来源:网络   热度:



肋排 250G,生抽 2汤匙,白砂糖 1汤匙,花雕酒 1汤匙,细盐 1小撮,姜 4片,八角 1个,桂皮 1段,花椒 5-6颗,蒜 2瓣,葱油 1茶匙


1.肋排洗净后沥干水分,加生抽2汤匙,白砂糖1汤匙,花雕酒1汤匙,细盐1小撮, 姜4片,八角1个,桂皮1段和花椒5-6颗抓匀腌制一夜。 (容器用浅盘效果会更好,那样更容易浸泡到酱油汁)

2.第二天将腌制好的肋排取出,装入铺好油纸的容器中,将蒜去皮切片后铺在表面 (任何可以进烤箱的容器都行,我用的是一个锡纸盒)

3.在排骨表面刷上1茶匙葱油 葱油我是自己熬的,就是葱切段以后加油小火熬至葱色微枯即可。油量基本上可以没过葱段就可以了,多余的放在瓶子里密封保存 我一次用一大把葱熬了一整罐,随用随取。




by 西米Fiona 【豆果美食官方认证达人】


肋排 500克,大蒜 1头,料酒 5调羹,生抽 4调羹,老抽 1调羹,八角 1粒,花椒 10粒,可乐 1碗,冰糖 适量,盐 适量,葱姜 适量









by 小羽私厨 【豆果美食官方认证达人】


板栗 200克,排骨 300克,红枣 8个,桂圆干 8个,生姜 5片,料酒 15克,盐 5克









It is said that long ago, in the Fujian area, of the Wulong, the tide of sea water during August, stirring up trouble, the destruction of crops, waste housing, killed countless people and livestock. The people around had to flee their homes, in Dandong, hiding.

There is a physical prowess of the boy, named Guiyuan. He saw that Wulong stir up trouble and determination for the people of pesticides, and Wulong a struggle. By August, the tide comes, he is ready to wine, pig meat, put them together. Wu Long after coming ashore, saw the pig and mutton Chan in the saliva under Dayantang straight, mutton Chiguang几口put a pig. Because pig and mutton is a lot of wine bubble off, so there is no such as how far Wulong, lying on the ground does not move. At this time Guiyuan raised Gangdao, Chaolong Ciqu the left eye, longan stabbed out Wulongtongde rolling back and forth, about to flee, I caught Guiyuan Long Kok, riding on the dragon who would like to strongly when the Wulong From Guiyuan, Guiyuan with Gangdaocixiang Wulong the right eye, loss of Wulong eyes, Tongdeaoao shouting. After a while struggling, Wulong bleeding to death. Guiyuan wounded in the battle because of the heavy, also died.

Therefore, people of the Guiyuan body buried in the ground, and soon after, in this place has grown a tree, look like the fruit above the dragon"s eyes, so people call it longan, also known as Guiyuan.

It is said that long ago, in the Fujian area, of the Wulong, the tide of sea water during August, stirring up trouble, the destruction of crops, waste housing, killed countless people and livestock. The people around had to flee their homes, in Dandong, hiding.

There is a physical prowess of the boy, named Guiyuan. He saw that Wulong stir up trouble and determination for the people of pesticides, and Wulong a struggle. By August, the tide comes, he is ready to wine, pig meat, put them together. Wu Long after coming ashore, saw the pig and mutton Chan in the saliva under Dayantang straight, mutton Chiguang几口put a pig. Because pig and mutton is a lot of wine bubble off, so there is no such as how far Wulong, lying on the ground does not move. At this time Guiyuan raised Gangdao, Chaolong Ciqu the left eye, longan stabbed out Wulongtongde rolling back and forth, about to flee, I caught Guiyuan Long Kok, riding on the dragon who would like to strongly when the Wulong From Guiyuan, Guiyuan with Gangdaocixiang Wulong the right eye, loss of Wulong eyes, Tongdeaoao shouting. After a while struggling, Wulong bleeding to death. Guiyuan wounded in the battle because of the heavy, also died.

Therefore, people of the Guiyuan body buried in the ground, and soon after, in this place has grown a tree, look like the fruit above the dragon"s eyes, so people call it longan, also known as Guiyuan.

It is said that long ago, in the Fujian area, of the Wulong, the tide of sea water during August, stirring up trouble, the destruction of crops, waste housing, killed countless people and livestock. The people around had to flee their homes, in Dandong, hiding.

There is a physical prowess of the boy, named Guiyuan. He saw that Wulong stir up trouble and determination for the people of pesticides, and Wulong a struggle. By August, the tide comes, he is ready to wine, pig meat, put them together. Wu Long after coming ashore, saw the pig and mutton Chan in the saliva under Dayantang straight, mutton Chiguang几口put a pig. Because pig and mutton is a lot of wine bubble off, so there is no such as how far Wulong, lying on the ground does not move. At this time Guiyuan raised Gangdao, Chaolong Ciqu the left eye, longan stabbed out Wulongtongde rolling back and forth, about to flee, I caught Guiyuan Long Kok, riding on the dragon who would like to strongly when the Wulong From Guiyuan, Guiyuan with Gangdaocixiang Wulong the right eye, loss of Wulong eyes, Tongdeaoao shouting. After a while struggling, Wulong bleeding to death. Guiyuan wounded in the battle because of the heavy, also died.

Therefore, people of the Guiyuan body buried in the ground, and soon after, in this place has grown a tree, look like the fruit above the dragon"s eyes, so people call it longan, also known as Guiyuan.

